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How to Can Mac and Cheese Like Franco Does

So the easiest way to tell you how this all came about and went down is to tell you in a conversational format.  We are pretty random people and sometimes I don't know where thoughts in my husbands head come from.  However, I will just accept that he thinks of weird things at weird times and love the guy anyway.  After all.......he is so dang adorable.  So here we go

George: I have an idea!

Me:  Oh no, what is it?

George: (always has a story) When I was little my mom used to buy Franco American Macaroni and Cheese.  But it was like fat spaghetti noodles, you know like big worms.  She could buy it really cheap at the commissary for like 19 cents a can.  When she didn't feel like cooking she would make it for me.  I think "we" should try and copy it!

Me: I remember eating it a couple of times.

George: You do?  I think you are to young to remember it.

Me: I am young, and gorgeous but that is beside the point.  I have eaten it.

George: It looked almost like turkey gravy, it was this gross color of greenish orange, but it was SO good.

Me: I could use bocatini pasta, to cover the fat spaghetti noodle part, I wonder what we should use for the rest.

George:  I don't know but I can taste and tell you if it is right.  Ok?

Well, isn't it odd how he doesn't know how we could do it but he is sure willing to taste every single one of my efforts.  Unlucky for him I got it on the first try.  Mwaaahahahhahaha!

Anyway, I had bought a can of cheddar cheese soup earlier in the week to make a "kid friendly, halloweenish" recipe.  I decided I would use the same thing because it seemed the flavor was really close to be right on.  By the way, leave me alone about the canned cheddar cheese soup.  I know some of you are having heart palpitations right now over it.  Relax.  2 times in like 10 years......that is my frequency of usage.

I actually wasn't even going to blog this because it is so easy.  But I decided, with George's urging to just do it.  He is so excited, I had to oblige.  It is almost embarassing to post this as a "recipe".  But here goes nothin'....

Ok, you will need:

1/2 lb bucatini pasta (fat spaghetti with a hole down the center)
1 can cheddar cheese soup
3/4 cup milk (any that you choose)
2 tbsp melted butter

Boil your pasta, and I suggest for the authentic really soft pasta feel, to cook it on the high end of the recommended range.  Perhaps even 1 minute longer.  While it is cooking in a bowl mix the soup, milk and cooled melted butter in a bowl.  Mix until completely combined.  Drain pasta and put back in the hot pot, immediately add the cheese mix and let simmer for a minute or 2 on low heat.

Me:  George, I think it is done!  I even got the color right!

George: It looks good, looks like the right color, kind of pastey and colorless.  (sounds appetizing right?)

George: (takes a bit) OMG honey, it is right on!  Just need to add a little pepper.

So here you have it.  By request of my husband, a recreation as best as we can tell of Franco American Macaroni and Cheese!


Your "canned food made homemade"chefwannabe

How to Can Mac and Cheese Like Franco Does
